
Camberley Heath Golf Club


etiquette on & off the course

Camberley Heath Golf Club welcomes all its Members and Guests, Visitors and Golf Societies to use and enjoy its facilities.

We have introduced the following dress code and policies to make the club a pleasurable experience for everyone and kindly ask that you follow the guidelines below to prevent any embarrassment to yourself and others.

Members are advised that they are responsible for the conduct of their Guests when they are at the club and they must ensure that they make them aware of the Etiquette - Dress Code & COVID-19 Policies.

For visiting societies, it is the responsibility of the person booking the society, to ensure all members of that society are aware of and adhere to Camberley Heath's Etiquette - Dress Code & COVID-19 Policies.

Any failure by Members or Visitors to comply with the Club's Covid-19, Etiquette and Dress Code Policies, is NOT acceptable and may result in the request for those Visitors to leave the Club and in Disciplinary action for Members, if when requested, they refuse or fail to do so.


It is possible that Covid-19 will be with us for some time to come. The Club is legally responsible for what happens in the Clubhouse and on the Course and to enforce any regulations laid down by the Government. Failure to do so can result in large fines and closure of the Club.

Members, Guests and any other Visitors MUST comply with Covid-19 regulations imposed at all times. This includes, the wearing of Face Masks, observing Social Distancing and Group Sizes inside the Clubhouse, Bars, Terrace and Course. These regulations may change from time to time.


Mobile telephones should NOT be used to make or receive calls in the bar or restaurant area nor on the course whilst playing. They should be kept on "silent" mode.

Whilst on the course, the use of mobile phones as a course planner application for distances and scoring purposes, rule decision making and for contact with the professional shop or club office is acceptable, as is discreet occasional reading and sending of messages (when not in official club competitions) and also in the bar area.


In the Clubhouse and on the Terrace

  • Smart casual clothing and recognised golf attire is acceptable in the Heathland and Captain's Bars.
  • Smart denim jeans are acceptable in all areas of the clubhouse provided that they are not torn or worn below the hip.
  • Jogging bottoms, "hoodies", football shirts, rugby shirts, and gym attire, are NOT permitted in the bar or restaurant area.
  • Shoes must be worn within any area of the clubhouse and on the terrace, except for the changing rooms.
  • Men must wear socks at all times, except with boat/deck shoes in the bar/reception/terrace areas.
  • Open toed sandals / footwear is permissible for ladies, however flip-flops and beach attire are NOT acceptable.
  • Spiked or rubber soled golf shoes may be worn in the Locker Room, Professional Shop and the walk-through area alongside the entrances to the Mens and Ladies changing rooms.
  • Golf shoes or shoes of any kind worn on the course, are NOT permitted in the bar areas but are permitted on the terrace.
  • Tailored shorts may be worn. Cargo shorts (additional Box Pockets on front) are NOT allowed.
  • The wearing of hats and caps in the Clubhouse is NOT permitted, except in the Locker Room, Professional Shop and the walk-through area alongside the entrances to the Mens and Ladies changing rooms. Ladies' formal hats may be worn in all areas.
  • Industrial work clothing is considered unacceptable in the bar and restaurant unless the individual has been engaged to carry out work by the club.
  • For the Restaurant including Sunday lunches, the minimum requirement is Smart Casual (long trousers and collared shirt for men). Club competitions may however stipulate additional dress requirements such as a jacket & tie.

On the course & practice area

  • Recognised Golf Attire is required at ALL times.
  • ALL shirts must have sleeves (for men). Men's shirts must be tucked in. T-Shirts are NOT acceptable.
  • Tailored shorts or trousers are acceptable, but NOT denim jeans. Cargo type (additional Box Pockets on front) or men's 3/4 length shorts are NOT accepted.
  • Socks must be worn at all times. Long socks of any colour are acceptable. Short or ankle length socks MUST be predominantly white when wearing shorts.
  • Spiked or rubber soled golf shoes must be worn on the course. It is only acceptable to wear training shoes on the Practice Areas.
  • Baseball hats or caps of any description must NOT be worn back to front.
  • Jogging / Tracksuit style bottoms, football / rugby shirts and gym attire are NOT permitted either on the Course or on the Practice Area.


Slow play is the scourge of golf. Not only does it cause congestion on the course, but it leads to frustration and the loss of enjoyment of the game.

Camberley Heath is predominantly a 3 and 4 ball course, which can exacerbate this.

A 4-ball round should take no longer than four hours and fifteen minutes.

Members are therefore requested to comply with the following guidelines:

  • Players are encouraged to play from the tees which match their ability, especially to clear the heather and carries from the tee. This will increase enjoyment of the game for that individual and save time. That is why the Club has a choice of tees.
  • The leading group/s on any day, set the general pace of play for those that follow. They should ensure that they are on track with, or ahead of, the 4 hours 15 minutes guideline for a 4 ball. A good measure of pace to work with, is to strive for no more than 13 minutes per hole on average.
  • Play Ready Golf. With the general exception of competition and match-play when the accepted order of play (furthest away plays first), "ready golf" should be applied. Each golfer should  play their ball as soon as it is safe to do so.
  • Players in a group should play their own ball  before looking for that of a playing partner.  The Rules of Golf allow 3 minutes.
  • If you hit an errant shot always  play a provisional ball.
  • If playing Stableford format,  pick up your ball when you no longer can score a point.
  • Keep up with the group in front. If your group does lose ground, call the group behind you through. If the course looks clear ahead, make sure that you also check to see if there is congestion building behind. If so, pick up your pace of play and /or call the group behind you through.
  • Similarly,  if your group is invited to play through, please do so - even if you are happy to wait. Other groups are behind you and they will likely want a good pace of play to be maintained.
  • If your group is being continuously pressed from behind, by a group comprising fewer players - even if it is a single, please call them through. This is a common courtesy which will be particularly appreciated by those playing in a club knockout or match.

Avoiding Slow Play should be something that players / groups manage themselves.

Course Marshalls are deployed to patrol the course at peak times and at other times when available. Please be respectful of them and comply with what they ask you to do.

If your group has fallen behind and dependent on the circumstances, they may ask you to:

  • Pick up your pace of play.
  • Stand aside and let the following group through.
  • Pick up your ball and advance to the tee behind the group in front of you. (This last option would NOT be applied during competition play)


Camberley Heath Club firmly advocates respect for all and would gratefully ask Members, Guests and Visitors to treat all members of Staff and of course, fellow Members, with the appropriate level of respect.

Please be mindful that overly aggressive behaviour towards Staff or fellow Members will not be tolerated at the Club and will be handled according to the club's disciplinary processes.

There are designated channels to deliver feedback and Members are encouraged to approach Club Management or Club Captains, who will happily make themselves available for consultation regarding grievances or points of order.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.